Automated Lighting Control

Automated lighting control can add convenience to your life as well as save on your energy bill.
With the automated control system you can control every light in your business or house.
Sky A/V Pro can help you create lighting scenes so that with the push of a single button,
you can control lighting for multiple rooms at once.

Automated lighting can add convenience to your life

Before you go to the bed just press sleep button and every light you want will automatically be shut off.
Now you don't have to walk around to check if you left any unnecessary lights on.
If you are at work and just realized you left the light in the garage, you can turn off that light using your computer or iphone.

Automated lighting can save you money

Would you know how much energy you waste by leaving unused lights on whether at your business or your home?  We can program the lighting system to turn off the unused lights automatically when there is no activity in the space for a certain period of time. 
This can be done by simply replacing the old light switch with the Crestron switch and integrate it into the wireless automated control system.